Photoshop - Batch Processing Puzzler


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Feb 14, 2011
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Chiswick, London, UK
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Hi Folks,

I've stumbled upon a problem I can't seem to crack with google searches. I can't seem to simplify my search terms enough to get a good enough answer. There must be someone here that can tell me how this is done or whether it even can be done.

I have a folder with a lot of images in it. They are not my images, but my job today is to try to resize the images to smaller dimensions. When I say a lot of images I'm talking about 6,000 images, so I'm not going to resize them individually.

A bit of background: I shoot images for a client and crop them all to 500px x 500px. That's just the optimum size for the type of images I shoot and the website they appear on. The client has these 6,000 images of their own which will also be used on the website, but the images are of all shapes and sizes (and frankly, ****ness, but that's not my problem!) and some are in portrait and some are in landscape orientation.

I want to reduce the dimensions of all of the images so that they are no bigger than 500px on the longest side whilst keeping the current ratio.

How can I do that? I know how to batch process images and set the px dimensions with the image processor, but how can I tell it just to resize the longest side to 500px whilst keeping the proportions of the original?

I'm sure I'll kick myself!

Someone better at photoshop could help but could you divide the photos up between landscape and portrait and then make a batch for each one?
You might have to do 2 batches horiz. then vert. and call out the longest dimension for each batch if you want them in correct position. Maybe someone who has done different formats has another way.
Someone better at photoshop could help but could you divide the photos up between landscape and portrait and then make a batch for each one?

Yes, I'm pretty sure I'll have to separate the landscapes and portraits, but how do I adjust the dimension of just one side and let photoshop do the other side accordingly?
cropping and resizing are two different things. Are you cropping anything or just resizing? Eitherway, it is pretty easy to do on LR.
Just resizing.

Ok. Looks like I need Lightroom. I posted this on another forum and they all said Lightroom too. Drat.
Ok, I just downloaded the trial and processed the whole lot in a few clicks and it did exactly what I wanted it to do. I never thought I really needed Lightroom, but now I've just fallen in love.

Thanks guys!

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