Playing with low-light


TPF Noob!
Jul 3, 2009
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Oakton, VA
Can others edit my Photos
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So I tried playing with some low lighting conditions tonight came up with this. I dont have a tripod so I had to improvise by using a rolled up shirt to prop up the camera and set the timer. I shot this using an XSi with a Canon ultrasonic 10-22mm IS lens. I used the shutter priority mode (Tv) - F22, ISO at 200, and the exposure level at -2. Sorry, I am really new to all this so Im not quite sure how to "explain" the settings (the off camera lighting came from a couple of candles). Anyways, any comments and/or criticisms are very much appreciated. What did I do right, but most importantly (so I can learn)...what did I do wrong?


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For low light you want to use a large aperture (small number), in Aperture priority mode. The camera will set the shutter speed. You can still use exposure compensation if you need, or throw it into manual, set your aperture and adjust the shutter speed until the exposure indicator reaches zero.

Get the book "Understanding Exposure".
Indeed. The 450D is only really acceptably noisy at 400. 800 needs serious noise reduction, and 1600 is useless (IMO). Full-frame cameras (both Canon and Nikon) fare far better.
i would start with ap and shutter speed with a tripod. ISO should be more of a last resort with a cam that has mediocre high iso performance (not saying yours does...but i know mine certainly sucks at high iso, so i rarely touch it.)

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