Please critique my sunset :)


TPF Noob!
Jun 21, 2014
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I took this the other night and quite like it and as I'm trying to become a better photographer I would like some comments and critique so please post your thoughts :)

View attachment 85470
I think I would have put the sun to the left a little more so it was more in bottom center of the shot. I only say that because the deepest colors are all to the right hand side of the screen but than again that would have put that tree right in the center of the screen and a gap on the right of the screen and that may or may not have ruined the shot.

Normally i would have snapped about 5-10 shots all slightly different and than picked the best one. The best one is not always the one I thing is going to be the best, so dont take what I am saying here to seriously.

There is nothing wrong with this shot IMO I just kind of wish there was more of the deeper orange on the left hand side of the photo. Overall I think its a really good shot.
I like the exposure and the composition is fine. The trees add a great contrasting element to the background color. One thing I do note isd that the tree is partially and awkwardly blocking the sun. A partial sun is fine but I fine that particular masking a bit awkward.
I like the exposure and the composition is fine. The trees add a great contrasting element to the background color. One thing I do note isd that the tree is partially and awkwardly blocking the sun. A partial sun is fine but I fine that particular masking a bit awkward.

Blocking the sun with the tree was intentional although I had originally lined up the shot so the tree was dead centre of the sun.
Unfortunately as time passed the sun moved to the position it's in in the photo.

Anyway I had a completely different image lined up in my head but by the time I got my camera out the magic moment had passed :(
So this was what I took instead which I'm still pretty happy with :)
Ahh here's one with the sun where it should have been.
I don't like the colours nearly as much as the first one but it should hopefully give you an idea of what I was trying to achieve.

View attachment 85484
I would love to see this with a little tighter crop. I love the placement of the horizon, but would be interested in seeing about 20% off the top and right hand side.

Something like this...


That's how my eye sees it.

Nice capture!
I like it but I would've also tried to catch the shot a few minutes earlier so that a bit more of the sun is still visible, then see which one is better.

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