
TPF Noob!
Jan 7, 2012
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kakariko village
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
9/01/2012: I'm sorry if I came off as a spammer at first. I'm definitely not here to generate traffic for my blog. I couldn't upload a pic into this post so that is why I linked. You can read the replies in the comment board if you want to see the entire explanation.

Please suggest themes for me.
I want to conduct photoshoots to practice my photography.

I am not here to spam anyone, make anyone read my blog. I just want to get better at photography.

Thank you.

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Don't know what kind of camera you have, but you shouldn't have to shoot in auto mode, just because you're doing self-portraiture. Either use a wireless remote for the shutter, or set your shutter timer...even many point-and-shoots have that option.

Most people are not going to click external links like that from a noob, especially one with no previous posts at all.

As tom_anderson mentioned, no reason people can't just post some theme ideas here for you.
Or you can google, "theme ideas for photo shoots." I just did...lots of ideas out there in the big wide web world. ;)

As far as your photography, welcome to the forum! Many of these folks can really help you improve your skills!
Post a few naked pictures on your blog and you'll get all the traffic you want.
Just be sure to link me.
Frankly... Not cool.

It's comes across as a way to get people to go to your site. Let people organically find you. If you need help show us what you have to offer as a starting point. Auto mode is a mode that you can check what the exif was and manipulate your settings from there to expand on your skills. Right now you come across as scamming the public.
Well, I left a comment on the blog, let's see if it passes moderation :) :

Study some composition before starting. “Random” is not what the photographer inspired you was doing, and is not sufficient to have a theme for creating good pictures.
I'm sorry that maybe most people post on this forum trying to drive traffic through their blog.
The main reason I actually posted this was to get themes to choose from. I want to interact with people so I asked for themes.

I of course can just go and decide upon a theme but I'd rather be more interactive.
And, the main reason I linked to my blog was mainly so that I had all my suggestions in one place. But it ended up that some people sent me e-mails, comments on the blog and some here, and some on my lj. So, that kind of failed.

I wanted to put a picture in to show a sample or something...
But I couldn't put one in. i clicked the button to insert a picture but nothing happened and I'm new here so... I didn't really know what to do besides link to my blog.

You are not obligated to click on the link. I am not here to grab everyone and make them generate traffic on my blog.
And I did pass your comment. and I commented back, not knowing that you were just commenting to "try-out" whether I was of good enough character to reply...?

Sorry, I didn't want to make anyone upset.
Please don't judge me so directly and accuse me of such intentions.

Nonetheless, thanks for tips and ideas.

I will do my best.

To avoid any more comments saying that this is spam and I'm nothing but a person who's greedy and wants traffic in my blog, I'm removing the link right this second.

Suggest themes for me only if you like.

I just wish I was better at photography so I want to practice. That's why I posted this.

I'm sorry if I came across as a spammer, but that was not the intention.
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Don't know what kind of camera you have, but you shouldn't have to shoot in auto mode, just because you're doing self-portraiture. Either use a wireless remote for the shutter, or set your shutter timer...even many point-and-shoots have that option.

Most people are not going to click external links like that from a noob, especially one with no previous posts at all.

As tom_anderson mentioned, no reason people can't just post some theme ideas here for you.
Or you can google, "theme ideas for photo shoots." I just did...lots of ideas out there in the big wide web world. ;)

As far as your photography, welcome to the forum! Many of these folks can really help you improve your skills!

Yeah, I actually realised that I can shoot in manual doing self-portraiture after I wrote that.
I'm a total noob who literally knows nothing so xD please forgive!

I didn't think people would be prone to think that I was a spammer or someone just wanting to generate traffic in their blog.
I really didn't think that. Nonetheless I've removed the links and everything.

Thank you for your comment ^^
Frankly... Not cool.

It's comes across as a way to get people to go to your site. Let people organically find you. If you need help show us what you have to offer as a starting point. Auto mode is a mode that you can check what the exif was and manipulate your settings from there to expand on your skills. Right now you come across as scamming the public.

Quite honestly I wish I would've been smart enough to think about generating traffic into my blog, but I'm basically just a stupid 17 year old girl, so I don't actually think I have the brains to of thought of that. I really just wanted people to suggest something themes, and to keep all the suggestions in one place, I wanted to link it to my blog. Also, I wanted to insert a picture, and it didn't work (i clicked on the insert button and nothing happened, and being the stupid noob I am I had no idea what to do so I linked to my blog). I'm sorry, but I think you've overestimated me.
And I did pass your comment. and I commented back, not knowing that you were just commenting to "try-out" whether I was of good enough character to reply...?

not really. My comment was a real comment. I saw some picture and yes, they are random indeed. Anyway, I appreciate the explanations, great to know you are sincerely interested in photography :) .
Consider here people is a little bit suspicious because sometimes spammer appear and then leave. And be aware that comments here are not appreciations of the kind you may receive from friends.

Willing to practice with photography, start from the basics. Simple scenarios in order to learn composition, exposure, etc. You can also find some theme suggestion here: Photo Assignments & Technical Challenges
And naptime (member forum) is starting a one-a-week project, check here for updates:

Welcome and have fun.
And I did pass your comment. and I commented back, not knowing that you were just commenting to "try-out" whether I was of good enough character to reply...?
not really. My comment was a real comment. I saw some picture and yes, they are random indeed. Anyway, I appreciate the explanations, great to know you are sincerely interested in photography :) .Consider here people is a little bit suspicious because sometimes spammer appear and then leave. And be aware that comments here are not appreciations of the kind you may receive from friends.Willing to practice with photography, start from the basics. Simple scenarios in order to learn composition, exposure, etc. You can also find some theme suggestion here: Photo Assignments & Technical Challenges And naptime (member forum) is starting a one-a-week project, check here for updates: and have fun.
Thank you! Sorry, I was actually pretty happy when I received ur comment on my blog because it showed that I people who knew much more than I do about photography was actually giving me tips. It made me happy because I knew I could learn something!Thank u for all the info. I'll go check those out. I've never shown any of m photography to friends but I understand what u mean! Thank you again :) I'm glad I cleared all this up.

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