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Please suggest me The Best Picture Control for Nikon D5100.


TPF Noob!
Feb 27, 2012
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Hello friends.

Because you are... I think, much more experienced from me. I want The best Picture Control Setting in d5100.
I'm not sure what your asking. Do you mean the colour saturation control, i.e., Natural, Vivid, More Vivid? If that's what your asking about, the setting is totally up to you. There is no "best" setting. Set it to whatever is best for what you want to capture. Vivid would be good for more colourful scenes, for example. It's a personal preference.
Manual and off camera lighting
Picture controls, or "styles" as Canon calls them, are simply presets for converting RAW to JPG in camera. Anytime you're using a preset anything, you sacrifice creative control to the algorithms in the camera.

Therefore, you're best off setting the control to "Faithful" or whatever Nikon's equivalent is (i.e. no changes), and shooting in RAW. The RAW files will allow you to make any kind of picture control adjustments you want after the shot, and it will also let you manually tweak these settings on your PC to much better result. The reason for choosing faithful is that the histograms generated in camera are dependant upon the picture control chosen, and the most accurate histogram is generated from the data which most resembles the RAW file.
Why not learn to use the camera... instead of using "picture controls"? Especially when "picture controls" only cover a small part of the areas they are setup to cover? If you want to turn your D5100 into a large Point and Shoot, that is up to you, but you are missing it's potential!
Why not learn to use the camera...

Can we have a SINGLE n00b thread where people just distribute information without getting condescending? Would that really be so hard? ****.

I didn't consider that to be condescending... more like advice! Whatever! If you choose to read it that way... that is your problem! :)
Jeez, such a rude community.... You guys are bursting with elitism.

Anyways, I think what the OP is asking for is what would be the optimal picture settings for his camera would be. Nikon themselves call it picture control in the menus for those confused and instead of being so rude, you guys could've just suggested what picture setting you guys use.
For example: sharpness +2, Saturation +3, etc...

This is the beginners forum; there's no need to be rude.
As a newbie, I have very little experience what settings are best.

However, Ken Rockwell suggests these settings: (a) for people: standard, sharpening 6, saturation +2 (b) for places and things: vivid, sharpening 6, saturation +3

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