Portrait session at Joshua Tree


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Nov 13, 2008
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So Cal
Can others edit my Photos
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Me: I need to go to the desert and take some photos. There won't be any cell phone services, it's in the middle of no where, I have never been there, we may be lost and die.

Some stranger: Sure!


You could have shot her in a city sewer and she'd still look good.
But lost in a desert oasis was probably the easier option. Nice work.
Number 3 is incredible. Awesome shot.
For me the second and I think cropping out the landscape above her head would make a great shot of her.
Lovely, as usual of corse. Ya know, if you would just stop taking photos, it would make the rest of us look substantially more talented. LOL. ;-)
technically great very sensual portraits. Thank you for sharing
Lovely, as usual of corse. Ya know, if you would just stop taking photos, it would make the rest of us look substantially more talented. LOL. ;-)

I have very nice cameras :D
CameraS? Plural? As in more than one? So thats the trick! And I thought mine just wasn't expensive enough. Twice the gear, twice the talent It seems!:biglaugh:
If that was her answer to possible dying in the desert, I like her! She sounds adventurous and fun!!! :)
I really love this set! The last one is great, but I love that eye contact in the first one! Outstanding work across the board! :)

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