Portugal July 2015 panorama's


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Aug 24, 2013
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Few pano's from a recent trip to Portugal, as always C&C is welcomed eagerly

Nikon D3200, 35 1.8 Nikkor & Ronkanon 16 2.0


Yeah, Lagos
Did you stay in the Algarve or did you get to see more of the country?
Unfortunately we didn't go exploring out of the area we were staying, 18 month old had enough of traveling by the time we got to Lagos. But already planning another trip to another area (unknown area) already.
Unfortunately we didn't go exploring out of the area we were staying, 18 month old had enough of traveling by the time we got to Lagos. But already planning another trip to another area (unknown area) already.

The northern part of Portugal tends to get fewer tourists but is gorgeous and worth a visit. Though I might be a bit biased ;) If you do ever get to the north, be sure to get to Braga - it's just 30-45 minutes from Porto, which is the biggest city in the north and where most people head to when they visit north.
Thanks, will defiantly keep that in mind!
A pity I could not see the pics except for the 1st one. Get a message "Cannot be displayed as it has errors"
It would be nice if you could upload your pics on say: 'Flickr or photobucket etc' and hot link them from there.
Hi Jasii, I have tried the link on another computer and had no issues with any of the attachments, unfortunately I do not use Flickr or Photobucket or any other similar system.

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