Prefect Storm


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Supporting Member
Jun 19, 2009
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In your dreams!
Can others edit my Photos
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This was shot after drinking one too many margaritas by the pool today. :lol:

I wish there was a love button.
Erm, that sounds a little gross actually .... ;)

Beautiful shot and processing.
Thank you and I do........
Although you were wasted, your effort definitely wasn't. Love it!
Mishele, you're driving me nuts. I thought I figured out how you did it. And spend at least an hour trying to replicate what I think you were doing. And the results look nothing like what you do. The fact that you can do this even when buzzed, leaves me feeling very unfulfilled. No, I don't want you to tell me. I'm going to figure it out on my own. But I really do like the effects you are able to create. Ah, the mystery.....
Mishele, you're driving me nuts. I thought I figured out how you did it. And spend at least an hour trying to replicate what I think you were doing. And the results look nothing like what you do. The fact that you can do this even when buzzed, leaves me feeling very unfulfilled. No, I don't want you to tell me. I'm going to figure it out on my own. But I really do like the effects you are able to create. Ah, the mystery.....

Get wasted grasshopper. Then it will all become clear.
Or not ...

But you'll still have a good buzz.

Everybody wins!!!!

I figured it out! She paints the picture then photographs the painting!! :)
Mishele, a very nice abstract, very creative - it fits with your "signature saying". Thanks for sharing. Trust you have recovered from the "one too many".

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