Probably sick of these by now


TPF Noob!
Apr 6, 2007
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Orange County,California
Can others edit my Photos
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Saw everyones water drop pictures and wanted to give it a try. Not that great since i don't have a macro lense but what do you think for my first attempt.



I like the first one the best, but overall great series. :)
I don't get sick of the water drops, there's something very calming about them. That's why I like #2 and #3 the best. Does #1 look a little noisy to you? Perhaps it's my monitor.
Nice series. The first one is unique... never saw it done before like that. #3 is my fav.
I like 2 and 3 very plesing (Well water always do that). The 1st one look like blood drop, it turned me off.
Thanks everyone for the great comments. Didn't expect this many comments by the time i got off work. Haha ya my friend though it was blood, only food coloring, which is now stained on my hands. Its much harder than i thought to get the timing just right.
I am going to place the blame firmly on LaFoto....:D

Nice one with the food coloring, it adds variaty to the droplet world.

How did you do the half and half dealie there?
I accept the blame happily!
Good ones ... and I'm still to play with food colouring or ink or anything of colour ADDED to the water, so far I have created "my" colours with the help of the background used, though out of this series also I like the third best, though the second comes very close.
Nice work, bro. Makes me wanna rob a bank and finally afford a macro lens :lol:
I am going to place the blame firmly on LaFoto....:D

Nice one with the food coloring, it adds variaty to the droplet world.

How did you do the half and half dealie there?
Haha ya thanks LaFoto, started a very neat trend. The half and half dealie was done by not mixing the water with the food coloring right away. I wanted to see what it would look like if it was red droplet going into clear water. Of course after like the 4th try i finally got it so it wasn't the effect i wanted but i guess it still came out ok.

Thanks everyone!
I like the use of the food coloring in the first one. Really helps the ripples stand out more.

They're all nice though.

And now my resistances are breaking down to take my own shots like these.

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