Probably the wrong section...


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Dec 13, 2012
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$flower web DSC_5753.webp
Hmmm NSFW might have been more appropriate I'm pretty sure that's a perfect representation of a girly bit!

On a more serious note, composition is ok for what you are working with but it totally looks like a girl bit and I'm not sure that you can overcome that, DOF is ok, light is harsh and unpleasing, it looks like onboard flash was used. Diffusing, bouncing and or getting flash off camera will help your lighting.
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Hmmm NSFW might have been more appropriate I'm pretty sure that's a perfect representation of a girly bit!

On a more serious note, composition is ok for what you are working with but it totally looks like a girl bit and I'm not sure that you can overcome that, DOF is ok, light is harsh and unpleasing, it looks like onboard flash was used.

No flash, just a bright noon and probably slightly overcooked contrast. To be honest, I have also slightly shifted Magenta/Blue to better represent the thing. Still not 100% though ;)

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