Professional prints


TPF Noob!
Apr 2, 2017
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
So I've recently used Mpix for some of my portrait photos. At first I was content with the quality but the more I used their services the more screw ups happened. For example I received multiple of the same photo instead of getting all of the photos I ordered. Any recommendations on other printing places to use? Looking for good quality and professional services.
Such is the nature of any lab.
Just substitute Mpix with the name of any other print lab.
And by the way - Mpix is a consumer lab, not a pro lab.

Make sure the problem is not at your end if the screwups issue is print quality:
The Digital Print: Preparing Images in Lightroom and Photoshop for Printing
Images destined for print generally need to be sharpended differently than images destined for electronic display.
Real World Image Sharpening with Adobe Photoshop, Camera Raw, and Lightroom (2nd Edition)

If you don't let a print lab color correct whatever images you have them print they do not guarantee their work.
Mpix prints a lot of images, such that the law of averages requires some % of those images to be less than the best Mpix can produce.

If you want professional services use Mpix's parent, the biggest professional lab in the USA - Miller's Professional Imaging.

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