Promaster 7500DX doesn't work with triggers?


TPF Noob!
Aug 13, 2013
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I've been using my Promaster 7500DX flash on camera for several years now and it works great. I have been wanting to get it off camera though and having a little difficulty. I use a Canon 60D which can wirelessly trigger the flash to go off using the pop-up flash. This is fine for indoors. But it does not work outdoors and that is where I want to use it. I recently purchased a wireless transmitter/receiver set but unfortunately it does not work with my flash.

I read the Promaster manual and did some Google searching but can't find anything that states this flash cannot be used with triggers. Does anyone know for certain if the Promaster doesn't support them? Hoping for some better clarification so I can decide whether to purchase a new flash or new triggers.

Thanks! :)
Do you have another flash to test the triggers on? Might be the triggers instead of an issue with the flash. Also what triggers are you using?

For non-TTL flashes it's a pretty straightforward operation. There is a single "pin" on the flash that is tripped when the flash goes off. It shouldn't really know if it was a camera or a trigger.
Are these the type of triggers that use DIP switches to set the frequency? Are they both on the same setting? Are the batteries new and known good? If the units shipped with batteries, put those aside and try new, good quality batteries.
Thanks guys. I did some more testing on it. I was at first trying it with just Channel 1 but as soon as I turned both channel 1 and 2 on, it worked!

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