Psychological Impact of Large Lenses


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jul 19, 2011
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Is it just me or when shooting with a big lens in a public setting, people will just stop and not cross your field of vision ? More so than usual anyway.

We went hiking last week-end and I was trying out my new Sigma 105mm. Lots of people on these low impact trails, not once did anybody walk in front of me while I had the camera up !

Double upgrade ! Better IQ and better shooting opportunities !

Still didn't get a shoot worth sharing tho... :lol:
Yes, I have had that happen...the mondo lens says, "Serious business".
I run into this every time I have my camera out. I have one lens, 18-200 so it's always "big"
People stop while I'm shooting and the comment many make is "wow, nice camera, you must be good!" Lol if they only knew ;)
Some people respect the fact that photos are being taken and are aware of their surroundings, while other people don't care. I get this going both ways all the time. Using my 300 2.8 or 400 2.8 people generally will wait, I let them go by, most will duck under. The ones that I see coming, usually other people with cameras that either don't care that I am shooting are given a suggestion, either it's "you're not planning on standing there are you, or did you want a copy of the back of your head" Other times it's just a simple, "*******" I do thank people for respecting that I am taking pictures. I always wait or walk behind, respect goes both ways and it doesn't matter who the person is holding the camera.
I know what you mean. It's the camera body as well, I think.

I get a lot more looks when I'm shooting the D3 vs the D7000 my wife uses.

My largest lens is the 70-200, so I don't have that much to worry about. The 300 and 400 2.8 crowd has a corner on that market. Every time I help my buddy shoot football, I get a serious case of lens envy standing next to his 200-400 f/4.
I get out my 'big lens', and people still walk in front of me.

It's usually because I'm so far away they just can't see me.

I get out my 'big lens', and people still walk in front of me.

It's usually because I'm so far away they just can't see me.

OOOOO! Can I come over and play with your toys???
Yep. It just hits the spot better faster and...
OOOOO! Can I come over and play with your toys???

In terms of photography, it's not the sharpest pencil in the drawer.



I have no doubt a high-end 500 or 600mm could take sharper images, even when they'd be heavily cropped.

But it was interesting to watch everyone else suddenly get overcome with Lens Envy when I rolled up on this nesting area of 30 bald eagles.
Aha, nice tangent here !
Big lens still doesn't get quite the respect of a "big watermark" though.....

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