random circle of fungus? dust? water? mold? ufos?


TPF Noob!
Dec 20, 2006
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hi, its been a while since ive been on the forums, i put down my camera about 6 months ago to take a bit of a break, but im in the process of getting back into the feel of things so to say.

anyways, while playing around with my camera gear, i noticed this spot on the inside of my lens. does anyone recognize what it is? I know the glass is really dirty, but it doesnt affect image quality too much


more cropped


k thx
I have to admit, it does kinda look like the dreaded lens fungus. Depending on the lens, it may need to be taken apart and cleaned. This normally takes someone that knows what they are doing.

Was the lens stored in an area of high humidity and warmth that is condusive to fungus growth?

...and yeah, that lens is not dirty, its closer to filthy (a comment I heard my salesman use once... "wow, looks like someone thought the lens was a table and ate their pizza on top of it!")... lol.

Time to give it a little TLC!

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