

TPF Noob!
Jul 13, 2012
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Can others edit my Photos
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No one will remember me, as I've always been just a lurker with nothing to contribute, but I'm going to try to make another effort to be a bigger part of the community. A little about myself - I'm very enthusiastic about photography and have been since I got my first DSLR about two years ago. I consider myself an experienced "picture taker"... and now I need to start working on the "photography" part ;) Recently, I went on a walk around the city with a photographer friend and realized just how little I really knew about using my camera and creating a photograph, so I'm newly inspired and ready to learn. I have a few good books that I've been reading, but I've always found that I learn more easily through discussions and asking questions.

Currently my main focus has been on pets (my dog especially), but I also enjoy taking pictures of children and people in general. Here are a few that I've taken/edited over the last year; I'm a little all over the place right now!









Well hello, I'm keen on the third shot and sold on the 6th.
Welcome back.
Your images do show that you have experience.

Thank you! I guess I should say that I have experience (only 2 years compared to some people's decades, but it's a start!). The problem is that I haven't really been taking the photography aspect of the hobby seriously, so the experience I've gained isn't as useful as it would be otherwise. No worries though, that's why I'm here!

Well hello, I'm keen on the third shot and sold on the 6th.

Thank you! The third shot is one of my favorites, it was taken around Christmas/New Year's a year ago when our "present" was having the whole beach to ourselves. It was a great day, and my dog had a blast chasing down the sun. The little girl in the sixth picture is just awesome! She is so full of personality and is the reason why I began to take pictures of children/people.
Welcome back! :) Glad you've decided to come out of the shadows. Your dog certainly makes for a beautiful subject!

Nice work here. Happy to see you return - be sure to check out the Gallery section and keep on posting your work for us!
Yeh... I'm still not a fan of photographing people, yet it has become my Bread and butter.
Love number 2! The only thing I would have done with number 1 is level the photo to the floor planks.. Not that I'm an expert haha

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Welcome aboard again. Loving #3 & #4.
Welcome to the site.
Welcome back and the photos look great!

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