READ FIRST - Welcome to the C&C Gallery!

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In response to our member suggestions and discussions, we are opening a brand new Gallery that is dedicated to the giving and receiving of artistic critique and commentary.

If you are comfortable with the less formal C&C that is available in all of our other Photo Galleries, keep posting there and enjoy! The only Gallery where there is absolutely NO C&C is in our Just for Fun Gallery, for your most casual shots.

While we start this Gallery with the view that it is a work in progress, for starters, we will be asking all participants to provide the following information on their photos posted here for C&C:

1) After you post your photo, please provide as much technical detail as you have. Your camera, your lens, even shutter speed and aperture, plus whatever editing program used. For our analog users, include your film type and development process.

2) In a sentence or two, please let us know what you were trying to achieve with your shot. Letting us know why you took the shot helps us understand your creative thought process, which will inform how someone might respond.

3) Keep your skin thick in here. People who may come across as blunt are not necessarily trying to be insulting. Don't expect flowers to be tossed your way; that's not what this is about.

To those who are offering C&C:

1) While the poster may not be expecting flowers to be tossed, this isn't the place or time to throw bricks, either. Being straightforward in critical observations can be done without being condescending.

2) Pay close attention to both the artistic thought process as well as the technical methods given.

3) No "Nice shot!" comments here - if you honestly have nothing more in depth to offer, just take a pass here.

Here are a couple of links on giving, getting, and dealing with critiques - have a look if you're not certain what to say.

This is a work in progress, and we're glad to modify it as we go. For now - jump in and have fun!
This is a great video on both asking for help and providing feedback.

and an easy format if you choose to use it.

-Tech Specs
Make model of Camera/lens
Shutter speed, aperture, iso
Aperture priority/Shutter priority/Manual etc.

Strobes, speed lights and at what power.
Natural light time of day.

-Why did I take the shot?
Just playing around is not sufficient or people will just play around with the feedback. Was it a great sunset? Trying a new technique? There's always a reason to hit that shutter button.

- What was the goal?
What image did you have in mind when you took the image?
Was there a specific learning goal?

- Did I achieve my goal?
This is where you honestly look at your own image. Do you see anything that looks off, takes your attention away from the subject, etc.

- If I could, what would I change?
Everyone should be able to answer this one. There's always that one or two things that you could have done different/better.

-What critique am I looking for?
General critique will get you general feedback. Try and find what you think you need help with and lay it out for us to provide assistance. This will not limit the feedback you get but will ensure that you do get feedback on this topic.
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Just to clarify for everyone: Zombiesniper is our new moderator for the C&C Gallery. He is here to help with any questions about posting here, as well as to enforce the guidelines above.

Enjoy the Gallery!
As it seems nobody bothers to read this, 2022 will come as quite a surprise.

Beginning 1 Jan 2022 all new threads MUST comply to the rules below. Any that do not will be deleted. No explanations or warnings.

Only one image is to be posted unless a second image also aids in demonstrating the issue or feedback that the OP is looking for.

Format of the post will be as follows. The fields in bold are mandatory. If you don't have the answers to those basic questions, you are just being lazy.

-Tech Specs
Make model of Camera/lens
Shutter speed, aperture, iso
Aperture priority/Shutter priority/Manual etc.

Strobes, speed lights and at what power.
Natural light time of day.

-Post processing
Colour, exposure etc.
any adjustments made in software.

-Why did I take the shot?
Just playing around is not sufficient or people will just play around with the feedback. Was it a great sunset? Trying a new technique? There's always a reason to hit that shutter button.

- What was the goal?
What image did you have in mind when you took the image?
Was there a specific learning goal?

- Did I achieve my goal?
This is where you honestly look at your own image. Do you see anything that looks off, takes your attention away from the subject, etc.

- If I could, what would I change?
Everyone should be able to answer this one. There's always that one or two things that you could have done different/better.

-What critique am I looking for?
General critique will get you general feedback. Try and find what you think you need help with and lay it out for us to provide assistance. This will not limit the feedback you get but will ensure that you do get feedback on this topic.
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