Recent pictures of my daughter critiques welcome :)


TPF Noob!
Jun 4, 2012
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Can others edit my Photos
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Here are two pictures that I've taken of my daughter the most recent ones that I have. Anything I can do to improve would be wonderful!

They are both taken with my Canon Rebel XS with the kit EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS lens both are taken with no flash because all I have is the built in one so I decided natural light was the better option.

Picture 1: (version 1)


Picture 1: (version 2)


Picture 2:


Last edited:
The postings are quite small. The first one shows us that the baby is not looking at the camera, which is normal, but you should devise a way to attract her attention toward the camera. The format should have been vertical. The frame has too much empty space to the right, which might be o.k., if the baby was "looking into" the space. The shot is overexposed, in spite of no flash, yet her right side could use more light. Use a reflector on the side opposite the main light source.

The second shot: Baby's hands are covering her face, so you should have taken another shot. Too much foreground here. Overexposed, probably due to the darker background.
I too would prefer to see the open space in the frame to the side she's looking, but otherwise don't mind the composition of the first one. At least it provides some interest.

The WB is off pretty badly, as are contrast and exposure. Here's a quickie edit to show you some ideas. The exposure is best fixed in-camera. Contrast and WB you can fix in post, particularly if you're shooting in RAW. If not, spend some time figuring that out in-cam too.


Note that WB still isn't perfect, I just tweaked it a bit...
Thanks guys I'm going to open the raw file and see if maybe I just played around with it too much. I find that when I am editing in the raw sometimes I brighten it too much and your right it does look funny. I'll also adjust the white balance.

As for the second one maybe it's a mom thing but I liked the fact that she was chewing on her hand lol.

And I also apparently uploaded the small picture that I used to email to my mother in law. Geesh.
I re-edited the first picture did I make it worse white balance and exposure wise or did it get a bit better?
I re-edited the first picture did I make it worse white balance and exposure wise or did it get a bit better?

You've got the right idea, but you're going too far the opposite direction. The first version you posted has an obvious purple/magenta caste around the eyes, and the skin tones in general look a bit green. The 2nd image is really yellow throughout.

If you start with your 2nd version, drop the yellow (reduce the "temp") a bit and raise the magenta ("tint") a lot. You want the fur in the blanket to get pretty close to pure white and the skin tones to look natural.

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