remote or cable release?


TPF Noob!
Aug 7, 2006
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just wondering if a remote has the same functions as a cable release? i'm thinking that it may be more versatile. going to be photographing some night scenes within the next week or so. a huge (maybe 100) tiny gingerbread cottages with chinese lanterns strewn all over them (martha's vineyard). an unbelievable spectacle!!!!! and i know that a tripod is a must but a cable release or remote may be helpful also.

thanks, neeley
well, when using my remote on my 350D i only have to click the button twice, so it wont drain the batteries when using long exposures. If you set your camera on Bulb and press the remote once, the shutter opens. Press the button again and it will close. Simple as that :)
I use a remote for the Dfitty and love it. I just like the idea that I can hit a button and walk away but I'm guessing the difference between the two is largely preference. If you're worried that you'll open the shutter and the battery will die not letting you close the shutter... just carry a spare battery. :wink:

Plus the remote just looks cool.
doenoe said:
well, when using my remote on my 350D i only have to click the button twice, so it wont drain the batteries when using long exposures. If you set your camera on Bulb and press the remote once, the shutter opens. Press the button again and it will close. Simple as that :)

I had always wondered about that. I wonder if it is the same for different brands.

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