

TPF Noob!
Oct 2, 2005
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How many of you use a remote for your portraits?

I am doing a family shoot tomorrow (First shoot) and Im thinking about using a remote just to be sure I have good eye contact with them... I DO think though if I use a remote I wont be able to move around freely unless I take it off the tripod..
A remote can be great when on the tripod...there will be no camera shake, which makes for sharper shots. Yes, it can make it easier to converse with your subject and hopefully help you get a more natural, relaxed model.

If you take it off the tripod, then there is really no reason to use the will probably need to be looking though the viewfinder to focus anyway so might as well just use the button.
Hi Holly, What about the 'wireless remote'???? They can shhot up to 5 metres away from the camera i have read... Does anyone know if they are any good - was hoping to get 1 one day though have no idea how much they cost? xx

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