River City Mono


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Mar 29, 2016
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For not having much time to play, you sure came away with some nice shots. :icon_thumleft:
For not having much time to play, you sure came away with some nice shots. :icon_thumleft:

Thanks Jeff, I was on the last night and rushed for time. Usually a recipe for disaster. I'm kicking myself because now that I'm home I've remembered some place I should have gone to.
Nice little mono set, liking 3,4 and 5 the most.
Very Nice Set @smoke665 , I like 1, 4, 5, & 6 but my favorite 1 & 6...


Thanks @Fujidave and @enezdez The #2 location was the one that interested me most, but I'm not sure I captured what sparked that interest. The right side is lined with restaurants, bars, and condos above, then a narrow one lane brick street, angled parking with the benches mixed in between the parked cars, on the edge of an active railroad track with trains several times a day, and then the flood wall. Tight spaces, parked cars, benches, RR tracks, and alcohol all combined what could go wrong??? Next time I'm up I think I'll try a cylindrical panorama, sort of a fish eye look on the street.

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