Roadside Antiques Shop in Torrance Ontario

Mar 7, 2014
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Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Roadside Antiques Shop in Torrance Ontario
by thelearningcurvefoto on Photography Forum

A VERY well used building now serving as a roadside antiques shop near Torrance Ontario.

Original photography using a Canon EOS 60D body with a Sigma 17-70mm f2.8 DC Macro OS lens and Silver EFEX Pro as a Lightroom plugin for the B&W conversion.
Nice photo technical wise as I see it.
I am typically not afraid of anything but there is something troubling in that picture, it rubs my spirit wrong.

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Nice photo technical wise as I see it.
I am typically not afraid of anything but there is something troubling in that picture, it rubs my spirit wrong.

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk

Kinda a spooky place out in the middle of nowhere. We didn't go in, mybe a good thing because maybe we wouldn't have come out :)

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