Rodeo tips!


TPF Noob!
Apr 8, 2009
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So I have the opportunity to shoot a rodeo this weekend. Its for fun and I have access to ringside. Its outside midday, any tips or suggestions would greatly be appreciated. Thanks!
I am not really too sure what advice you want. Fast shutter speeds with a wide angle zoom lens. Midday.....don't forget your lens hood!
Be sure you take the lens cap off the lens. :thumbup:

If you are using a Nikon camera, turn on the Active D-Lighting feature and set it as high as it will go, since it will be mid day and cowboys wear wide brimmed hats. (Note: it will slow down your buffer)

Set the shooting mode to Aperture Priority.

Set the ISO to it's lowest native value.

Set the exposure meter to Center-Weighted.

Set the shutter release to burst mode.

Set the autofocus to Continuous. (Note: keep an eye on/listen for the beep of the in-focus indicator in the viewfinder.)

Set Focus to the back focus button.

If possible, shoot from a low perspective to minimize busy backgrounds and to add power and stature to the riders and the animals.

Faces and expressions, framed by blurred backgrounds, are the holy grail of action sports shooting.

Shooting action sports is one of the more difficult kinds of photography to shoot.
I am not really too sure what advice you want. Fast shutter speeds with a wide angle zoom lens. Midday.....don't forget your lens hood!

I was really just looking for anything to be honest and was hoping that someone who has shot a rodeo would give some pointers on what to look for or what not to do. Yeah I figured fast shutter speeds and probally middle of the road F-stops to get the rider and animal in focus. As far as lens go I was planning on bringing my 70-200 and 17-40.

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