Roush Mustang

Mike Drone

No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jun 13, 2020
Reaction score
Yuma, AZ
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Some c&c please from the automotive photography community please. Everyone else also please feel free to share your thoughts. Thanks.

I have added a warming filter but the blue seems to be a reflection of the sky. Please let me know your thoughts.
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Sweet ride. I used to sell paint and supplies to them in Michigan. Lots of labor to get that look.
the background seems muted compared to the car. like the whites were turned down really low, but just on the background. it draws the eye to the background because it doesn't look right. and the shadows on the car look too blue, especially the wheels.
I agree. Thanks for your comments. The background was masked down -1.5 in exposure to try to get your attention on the car, and I like the way I have seem some professionals photos use a black vignette of sorts. Even in the original photo there is a strong sense of blue in the car. Maybe I shall try an orange filter to bring some of the aluminum wheels back. Thanks again. =]
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I have added a warming filter to the second image above. Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks.
Only the salt drive a Stang.:encouragement:
Looks like it was underexposed (or at least edited dark) and then had a filter applied. Calibrate your monitor if you haven't already and go from there.
For future reference General C&C is not a good way to get useful feedback on an image. You may get some but people will be lazy and just post opinions with no real meat. If you take time evaluate your own image and focus what it is you need help with it will get you better feedback.

Try and fill out as much as you can below.

-Tech Specs
Make model of Camera/lens
Shutter speed, aperture, iso
Aperture priority/Shutter priority/Manual etc.

Strobes, speed lights and at what power.
Natural light time of day.

-Why did I take the shot?
Just playing around is not sufficient or people will just play around with the feedback. Was it a great sunset? Trying a new technique? There's always a reason to hit that shutter button.

- What was the goal?
What image did you have in mind when you took the image?
Was there a specific learning goal?

- Did I achieve my goal?
This is where you honestly look at your own image. Do you see anything that looks off, takes your attention away from the subject, etc.

- If I could, what would I change?
Everyone should be able to answer this one. There's always that one or two things that you could have done different/better.

-What critique am I looking for?
General critique will get you general feedback. Try and find what you think you need help with and lay it out for us to provide assistance. This will not limit the feedback you get but will ensure that you do get feedback on this topic.

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