
I usually have someone to talk to, since I use the one at my school, but I do tend to ramble on to them, so I don't think its all that uncommon.
My father lived by himself for so many years that he got in the habit of talking to himself. Once i came home and he was talking to himself in the shower, and I thought he was showering with another man.
As I have not been able to make use of a radio yet in my (temporary) darkroom, I do tend to talk to myself. Well, it's more of thinking outloud, but still counts as talking to myself.
PlasticSpanner said:
I found myself having a 2 way conversation about a composition and the pros/cons of trying something different next time! :confused:

I was just about to ask whether you were doing both sides of the conversation. This seems fair enough, unless you do them in different voices. That is the clincher I think...

PlasticSpanner said:
I found myself having a 2 way conversation about a composition and the pros/cons of trying something different next time! :confused:
Does your friend have a name? :mrgreen:

I usually work in silence, but I DO think out loud, too. Most of the time it's to break the silence or to go over steps in my mind before I launch something slightly different. Or, you know, if I've pulled a nice print and I'm telling myself I rock. :lol: I don't care how nutty I might sound then!
Whats worse is if you think outloud in public. I do it all the time studing, or in the dark room, but when I'm walking down the street and debating which way I came is when I think I may have a problem.
terri said:
Does your friend have a name? :mrgreen:

I usually work in silence, but I DO think out loud, too. Most of the time it's to break the silence or to go over steps in my mind before I launch something slightly different. Or, you know, if I've pulled a nice print and I'm telling myself I rock. :lol: I don't care how nutty I might sound then!

No but one is an idiot who knows little about photography and gets loads of abuse by the other "expert"! :lol:

The "idiot" is usually the one holding the camera and the "expert" is the one looking at the prints!
I usually too involved in what I'm doing to even notice whether I'm mumbling to myself, but I suspect that I do.

I do know that, sadly, I tend to say certain four-letter words aloud when, for instance, I bump the easle, or forget to put away the extra sheet of paper, or fight with a squirrelly roll of film.

But, isn't using film in this day and age of digital megepixels a sign of lacking sanity in and of itself? :-|
The "idiot" is usually the one holding the camera and the "expert" is the one looking at the prints!
:biglaugh: Come to think of it, I have a friend like that, too!

But, isn't using film in this day and age of digital megepixels a sign of lacking sanity in and of itself? :neutral:
Not in the least! :)

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