Save Format Question


TPF Noob!
May 8, 2007
Reaction score
Valdosta, Georgia
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I want to give a CD to my friend to be able to print any size picture. How do I need to save the pictures. I know that when I crop I need to tell it a size in order for everything to show on the picture. Help.
Wow, big question...

- What are your original pics saved as, RAW or JPG?

- To print them out, put them on a CD in JPG format.

- What size are you saving them to by default?

- Where are they getting printed, the local walmarts or a studio or a lab?

- What camera are they coming from?

- What program are you using to post process or convert from?

All important things to know before a reasonable answer could be given.
what format are the pictures are in?

When you resize it (in your favourite software: photoshop, mac viewer etc) tipe in the inch or cm size you wanna have it in and keep it at min 300dpi.

When you shot in RAW then you might convert it into TIFF to keep the details and the color in the picture, so the print looks the best possible.

resizing should be the same ;)
When you shot in RAW then you might convert it into TIFF to keep the details and the color in the picture, so the print looks the best possible.

Tiff is loseless and therefor good for retaining maxiimum quality... problem is that only 5% of film or digital pic folm developer kind of places will accept a TIFF to print from. JPG is what she needs here, unless she is giving it to a friend with her own printer and will do this from home... same for the resizing. ;)

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