Saw the Space Station!!


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Feb 3, 2008
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Just saw the Space Station!!!! NASA said it would be over head about @ 6:27 looking NW. Sure enough there it was!! I know because the single light was a lot brighter than an airplane & no muti-colored blinking lights and most of all it went from one in of the sky to the other in about 90 seconds!!!! I had camera & tripod but I didn't get a good shot. I was off in my direction and just didn't have the time to reset. I tried hand holding it but LOL.... I'll have another chance tomorow night same time. This time I know what & where to look. Hope it's clear night!! Anyway, that was AWESOME!!!!

NASA - Spot The Station
It is very impressive to see, especially the first time.
I had the space station go through one of my photos about 5 weeks ago while doing star trails. Very cool

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