Screaming Eagle.....


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Feb 25, 2008
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Geneva, Florida
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Chicks in the nest are about 10 days old now. here is mama returning from a quick outing.....

great timing too, i like that it's mouth is open and it's wings are held high
Wow, really nice! Flying birds are the bane of my existence. I have yet to get one all clear and sharp like that. One day.... one day....
You're the eagle man!

Love the shot, wish I could capture a bald eagle so well. For the color though, it may just be my eye balls but it looks like it has yellow/green cast, is this the case or am I crazy? Was this taken as the sun was heading down?
You're the eagle man!

Love the shot, wish I could capture a bald eagle so well. For the color though, it may just be my eye balls but it looks like it has yellow/green cast, is this the case or am I crazy? Was this taken as the sun was heading down?

Sunset flight...yes Taken 20 minutes before the sun went down

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