Sensor Troubles


TPF Noob!
Feb 24, 2007
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Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Can others edit my Photos
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you may remember a while back i was having issues cleaning my sensor, well thats all been fixed but now it seems to be getting fibers and dust on it at least once a week, and i dont change lens at all basically, so my question is, why is i constantly getting dirty?
well... theres a chance it could be getting in through the lens... you could put a filter on it if you dont already have one
i do have a filter on it and ive cleaned the lens to, is it possible i have a bad seal or small crack in the body, and if its any help ive been doing some rapid shooting of golf swings
well, sometimes the gears and all the working parts in the camera will cause little bits of stuff to get put in the camera body, i woudl think rapid shooting could be possibly a cause of that, could be metal shavings, bits of oil, stuff like that , probably normal though. what kinda camera do you have?
Do you turn the camera off when you do remove the lens? Leaving it on, may cause static electricity to attract dust etc.
Well it is a mechanical device. Anything mechanical will begin to break down over time. Given that you do quite a bit of rapid shooting this break down can occur earlier. If you rarely change your lens then I would have to guess the camera itself is producing the particulate internally.

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