

Been spending a lot of time on here!
Nov 27, 2011
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St. Louis
Can others edit my Photos
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From my walk yesterday. We had a really clear bright sunny day and the shadows were especially crisp.


I love the idea of this, the shadow of the tree on the house, but composition-wise, it does nothing for me. It has great potential, though. I suggest reshooting. It's worth the time and effort. Get some different angles, closer and further away, straight on, work the tree in somehow or try to completely eliminate it, etc. Even looking down on it, if possible.
This photo is kinda creepy. It looks like a shot from the Hitchcock's movie.

You think the outside is creepy? You oughtta' see what's INSIDE!

I enjoy B&W shadow-play shots. ALways has. This one's got really good,strong shadows,and the scene itself is very spartan, which makes the shadow really stand out well.
From my walk yesterday. We had a really clear bright sunny day and the shadows were especially crisp.


I like it, but I think it would be more powerful if you could take the tree out of the frame completely so all you get is the shadow. Could just be me of course. :)
I agree with this ^^^. I'd crop much tighter. The wall and roof of the house are the interesting part of the image.
Normally I don't much like your stuff, Joe, but I quite like this.

I disagree with all the suggestions about crops and things, I think all the elements in place. If this were mine, I would file it away and go reshoot some more though, so I agree with jenko. There are some variations in the relationships between the forms that will evolve as the sun moves that I think could be interesting.

I like the sliver of tree trunk balanced against the sliver of chain-link fence. The electrical wires and so on root this in reality, make it a little on the "vernacular" side of things. The window, the door, and the shadow are the main players here, to my eye, and I think it would be interesting to see what happens with the shadow moved one way or the other. I might also move left or right to compress the existing frame into a format closer to square, and crop appropriately to retain the current relationships, but more horizontally compressed.

Not saying that I think any of these changes is definitely better. This is just the set of changes I would ring. Then, looking through the lot of them, one would certainly be better than the others -- and it might just be this one.
Well, I'll look for options the next time I walk by that way. I also thought it had a bit of a creepy look which is why I made it b&w -- thought that enhanced the creepy. Appreciate all the comments.

Huh, that's interesting. I don't get "creepy" from this at all, I get "crisp fall morning" ;)

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