She is a Looker

Well framed and good eye contact ! well done D.Shadow !
Much, MUCH better than some of your earlier stuff. I think you are getting the hang of bird shooting ;)
Thanks scott.I got my ISO down lower and lay off the sticky finger noise button.If I had got decent shots in the past, most of them I ruined in post.Kinda like over tightening a bolt until its striped bad bad bad.
Thanks scott.I got my ISO down lower and lay off the sticky finger noise button.If I had got decent shots in the past, most of them I ruined in post.Kinda like over tightening a bolt until its striped bad bad bad.

Your last ones were super-crops and lost a LOT of detail because of it. These you got close enough to get a GOOD shot without an enormous crop, and that's the hardest part of shooting birds. You did good on these, pat yourself on the back.

But, yeah, I do know how easy it is to go overboard in post processing ;)

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