shoothing at baptism need help!!


TPF Noob!
Apr 7, 2009
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north east, Mexico
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hello, í just got my Nikon D60 last thursday, haven't been able to shoot much since then, and my niece's baptism is tomorrow, my sister has hasked me to shoot but i am clueless about which setings to use in the camera, i was planning to go auto to avoid messing up, but even then i am unsure about what setting to choose. I only have the camera flash, so that might add to the issue... any help will be very much appreciatted... i think the church will have low light thanks for your help.
well like you said the church will most-likely be dark so i would boost your ISO up to about 800 (you can go higher if you have a good noise filter on your computer)

also shoot in aperture priority mode because your going to need to open your aperture as much as you can to let the light in

i know some churchs won't allow flash so ask before using it, if they don't allow it you should be good with the tips i gave you above. if they don't let you use flash during the ceremony you could always ask the priest if he would mind just pretending to run through the ceremony after (sometimes they're cool and won't mind)

thats it really, good luck
Boost up the ISO to at least 400, 800 would be even better. If you can remove noise or dont mind it, go even higher.
Set your camera to shutter priority, and set it to at LEAST 1/60, or you can set it to aperture priority and somewhere in the menues, i beleive, you can set the minimum shutter speed, im not exactly sure how.

If the church allows for flashes, use it. You may want to buy a diffuser, or just use a less powerfull flash. (use the flash expsosure compensation)
use your camera in auto mode and focus on the people;
push the button when it's the right time.

learning about photography is a long process.
use your camera in auto mode and focus on the people;
push the button when it's the right time.

learning about photography is a long process.

I like this answer the best. This is no time to practice or experiment.
I like this answer the best. This is no time to practice or experiment.

thank you all for your kind comments... i guess i will shoot mostly auto to avoid any messups, and change at the end to try some out, otherwise how does one learn?

hopefully I can share one or two that come out decent :lol:

thanks again
Just a auto mode on the D60, it will pop the flash up automatically when you take a shot if it needs it.

So be prepared. Id hate for you to walk in on a "no flash" service, and accidentally fire off a flash.

If you still want the auto mode, but without the flash just turn the knob to "no flash" and shoot. Be aware that it might pick a slow shutter speed, so watch out for camera shake blur.

Id shoot in aperture priority mode. f/5, let the camera pick the shutter speed, and use ISO 400 if possible. Watch your metering for correct exposure. And use PRE mode for the white balance.

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