Shopping at the Dead Tree Depot


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Jul 25, 2014
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NW Florida
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Osprey gathering nesting materials...and they take them on the fly.



I see potential for that to go horribly wrong! :lol: Nicely captured!

I've seen this action three or four times and have yet to see them hit a branch that didn't break off. but I guess at some point, whomp, a mid-air stop!
I guess if that's your methodology, you'd get pretty good at judging 'breakers' from 'benders'. Keep an eye out for the one that misses though...that's the one I really want to see!
I see potential for that to go horribly wrong! :lol: Nicely captured!

I've seen this action three or four times and have yet to see them hit a branch that didn't break off. but I guess at some point, whomp, a mid-air stop!
I guess if that's your methodology, you'd get pretty good at judging 'breakers' from 'benders'. Keep an eye out for the one that misses though...that's the one I really want to see!
Derf shot!
Really different behavior - I wonder if that is normal for all Osprey. Great shots.
I had NO IDEA that was possible! A great sequence showing very interesting osprey behavior.
Hopefully he picked up a tape measure on his way through the check-out. :345:

Cool sequence!
It is not unusual behavior at's just a hard action to catch. :1247:
Awesome Captures.Got to love those meat hooks stretched out for the grab.First time ever seeing this,I seen Osprey transporting the branches but never actually shopping for them.LOL
Hopefully he picked up a tape measure on his way through the check-out. :345:

Cool sequence!
If it's the male osprey, he will have picked up the wrong color of paint. And a tool that he didn't need.

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