Short-eared Owl On The Hunt


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Oct 26, 2018
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New Hampshire
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You see many owls out there? Im yet to find one to photograph.
You see many owls out there? Im yet to find one to photograph.
I wouldn't say many. Other people have more luck than I do finding them.
Cool pic. We have quite a few around here. I love to sit on my deck and call one in. It’s amazing how quiet they are in flight. I watched one hunt in the woods for about an hour several years back while I was deer hunting. Completely silent in flight.
Nice shot! There used to be one that came around my area, but the word would get out and we'd end up with 50 people with long lenses trampling through bushes... Haven't seen him in a couple of years, probably scared off.
Nice shot! There used to be one that came around my area, but the word would get out and we'd end up with 50 people with long lenses trampling through bushes... Haven't seen him in a couple of years, probably scared off.
You mean like this....?

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