Should I do it?


TPF Noob!
May 28, 2009
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Dear Friend,

I got your contact today, with hope you are reliable and trustworthy.

I and my sister Prince and Princess Urhobo from Sudan want you to stand as our beneficiary / next of Kin to retrieve our consignment containing $45 million United State Dollars, which are in the STATE right now.

The consignment got to the state with the help of a UN diplomat Dr.Andy Debert. It was suppose to be deliver to Late Jessica smith, but she pass away suffering from cancer of the lungs which led to her death. Presently the consignment is been deposited in a storage house for safe keeping.

I need your assistance to retrieve the consignment from the Diplomat to relocate the consignment to you as our God parent / beneficiary. And you will invest the fund on properties in your country urgently. You will be required to.

(1) Assist in the banking safely of the said funds
(2) Advise on lucrative areas for investment
(3) Assist in purchase of properties.
(4) Assist us to continue our education and to start a better life over there.

If you can render your assistance in this regard, 40% of the total investment sum will be for you, as your commission.

It will be done under a legitimate process so that we will not breach any international or local laws, governing this matter it’s a 100% risk free.

I wait in anticipation of your reply and co-operation.

E mails me: [email protected]

Thanks and God bless you

Prince James Urhobo

not to mention is "free webmail and email by GMX"
VERY Concvincing.
Do it!

Here.... I tell you what. I'll give you $1,700,000 funds to deposit to your account. Go buy me a house, car, boat, Nikon D700. then send me the the remains in cash, and I will reward you with 5% in bank. :)

Ps: Youll get the bills later. Have fun :) :biglaugh::biglaugh:
Reply to the spammer, and try and take up as much time and resources as you can....string him along...act really,really dumb and gullible. It is great sport! There are some wonderful web sites devoted specifically to wasting the time and resources of these spam artists. I enjoy dicking around with them...many are quite stupid and will reply to you over and over and over, usually on per-minute pay connections in internet cafes. It gets quite fun when they get to the point of going to Western Union to pick up large "wire transfers" that you "make"'s a laugh riot!!!
I know people are victims of scams all the time, but do people actually fall for scams like this?
The only people that could possibly fall for this is desperate, un educated lonely people.
$45 million is too little. One has to consider the value of one's time. I only respond when the offers are over $100 million.

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