I clean my 6d sensor with canned air, the bad kind and have no issues doing so

If nothing else, you're at least playing with fire by using can air. All it takes it a moment of carelessness and you can really mess up your camera. I've seen a sensor with canned air gunk on it, and it isn't pretty. You'd have to either find a wet cleaning solution or send it in for repairs.

So then for camera sensor cleaning you recommendation would be to cut out the middleman and go directly to something like this?

ARMSLIST - For Sale: Flamethrower

Way too hot! One of these would be much safer!
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To the OP. It can be done, sure.

To everyone else. : it's not a good idea, I don't recommend it.
A long,long time ago,
In a hamburger restaurant far,far away...

$Derrel squeeze bottle.webp
I use a gas powered leaf blower.:wink:
Why not just use a Dyson it will get done real fast are you kidding............To be continued I hope not !!!
"there are chances that your tape leaves adhesive trails" :D

Haha, by the way, shutter replacement is about $600 based on this link: Re: Shutter Replacement Cost: Canon EOS-1D / 5D / 6D Talk Forum: Digital Photography Review

Take that with a grain of salt though and compute the time and opportunity cost of using a lit loupe and Rocket Blower to clean the sensor vs 5-10 secs of canned air for a general cleaning vs not cleaning the sensor at all and spending time in ACR or Photoshop to locate and "heal out" the dust.

Time is money and lost opportunity - something most professionals seem to ignore in this argument.

Do you believe everything you read on the internet?

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