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Should i return Nikon D50 and take D60 instead?


TPF Noob!
Jan 25, 2009
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I have the option to return Nikon D50 for full refund. i bought it for $650 like 4 years ago.Do you think i should return it and take D60 instead. Is D60 much any better than D50?
full refund after 4 years?!!?...

add a bit more cash and get a D90. (or a D80)

how did you manage that?
full refund after 4 years?!!?...

add a bit more cash and get a D90. (or a D80)

how did you manage that?

i bought it at costco a while ago
I personally wouldn't. D50 has a built in focus motor, D60 does not.. D50 has a top lcd display, D60 does not. Those things are deal breakers for me. Most people probably wouldn't agree though.

If that's not an issue for you. The ability to crop closer because of more pixels, and the smaller body size, larger lcd, might be good reasons to upgrade.
I personally wouldn't. D50 has a built in focus motor, D60 does not.. D50 has a top lcd display, D60 does not. Those things are deal breakers for me. Most people probably wouldn't agree though.

If that's not an issue for you. The ability to crop closer because of more pixels, and the smaller body size, larger lcd, might be good reasons to upgrade.
I will agree with this. The D50 is one of the best consumer Dslrs out there. If anything I would go with the D80 over the D60 it leaves you open to use all of Nikons glass with full functionality. What is the D50 not doing for you that you feel you need to upgrade?
costco is selling the D90 - I'd trade it in for that!!!

I thought they stopped doing that for electronic items? NICE!

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