Shutter speed


TPF Noob!
Nov 25, 2007
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Hi again.

I know DSLRs come with a manual shutter speed and ISO changer. Unfortunately, my PnS camera doesn't. I've been experimenting, and I found, that when changing the exposure manually looking at the bright sky, the brightness of the photo gets lower to adjust to the sky. I can also put When I lock into that brightness setting, I can't see anything inside my house, but with flash I can. I tried taking photos at quick objects (water drop, etc), and they came out somewhat sharp. My question is, when I look at the sky or another very bright object, I change the aperture size, or the shutter speed? It's not very logical, and I'm confused :S
Point and shoot cameras change the shutter speed and aperture...but they also change the ISO...they do this all automatically without you noticing...

You have no other automatic modes like aperture priority, shutter priority, or anything?
No, I don't have that. The only manual things are exposure and white balance.

I didn't think I explained myself correctly. In exposure control option, you press left and right and it increases and decreases EV. I think that would be the ISO setting, right?

But I found a trick. When you look at light, it decreases the brightness of the photo. I assume it also increases shutter speed, since the shutter opens less time to prevent more light. So, my question is: When I increase the EV, I increase the ISO, right?
Go to your library and get a book on basic photography. "Understanding Exposure" by Brian Peterson is a good choice, or anything by John Hedgecoe.
Go to your library and get a book on basic photography. "Understanding Exposure" by Brian Peterson is a good choice, or anything by John Hedgecoe.

Can you give a recomended book or two by John Hedgecoe? There are so many on I'm not sure which one would be the best for a beginner like myself.
Can you give a recomended book or two by John Hedgecoe? There are so many on I'm not sure which one would be the best for a beginner like myself.

The New Manual of Photography

Book Description said:
The most up-to-date, comprehensive, and practical guide to the art of good photography, this book teaches every skill a photographer needs to take great pictures, from the most basic to the most advanced.

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