

TPF Noob!
Feb 18, 2007
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Can others edit my Photos
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I took this one while out and about yesterday...

Cool, that's one funny looking plane though.
wow...i like it, maybe a little cropping but thats just me
I love it! An excellent capture!

I actually like all the space surrounding it, it really draws your eye into the silhouette of the plain. Maybe just crop a smidge of the space on the bottom...
Great silhouette I approve :)
I like it :thumbup:. The only thing is that I don't know why I like it. I just keep wanting to look at it.

If I may ask, were there any processing done after the shot or was this more or less shot the way it was? And what did you shoot it with? :wink:
Hi cedew,

Would you mind explaining what kind of creative processes went into capturing an image like this. Did you just see the airplane landing and decide to shoot it, or did you plan a airplane silouette, select your position, set up tripod, make camera adjustments and then wait for the plane to fly by? I really like this shot. I'm inspired! Thanks for any details of the experience you are willing to share.
that is a really nice image. Simple and effective

cool old plane too
Thank you guys for taking a moment to comment.

sw1tchfx - It is an odd looking plane, it's a crop duster. They are stubby fellas with lots of wing area. They are short for fast tail movement, and have a lot of wing area to keep stall speeds down.

1986 - Thank you, point on cropping noted.

pacereve - Thanks for the comment, crop suggestion noted.

ab$olut - Thanks!

tangerini - tyvm!

sebastian - Thanks, crop duly noted(thats 3 crop suggestions so far, will definitely give it a try).

itsme123 - Thank you. You know why I really like it? Mainly it's the silhouette of the pilot. There wasn't much to the processing, I just desaturated what little color was left, and added a little vignetting, that's it. It was taken with my 30D and bigma.

quantumk - I went out to take some photos of huge wind turbines. It was a failed mission, they kicked me out before I could snap anything worthwhile. Out on a country road on the way home, I saw this crop duster flying real low, while making huge banking turns. I pulled over just as he was re-filling, I waited about 10 minutes for him to off his load, and took this just before he landed. I took about 30 of him flying around, and was happy to get one good one. The one bit of advice I would give is, there are tons of times I see good photo ops while driving around, and maybe 1 out of 10 times do I stop so....stop more often!

fightthehethens - Thank you!
Very nice. I like the crop the way it is now. I'd have this one framed in no time! I agree with the "stop more often".. I just never seem to have the camera with me when I have a photo op. Mmmmm.. maybe it's time to get a backup camera to leave in the car!! :D

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