
Friend to nose goblins everywhere
Aug 11, 2004
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I saw this last night...OMFG!!! It was brilliant!! Robert Rodriguez has redeemed himself in my eyes. It was so incredibly violent, dark, bloody...just like the graphic novels. The cast was large and everyone did an amazing job. It was a roller coaster ride into h-e-double hockey sticks with popcorn!!! I've never seen a film like it. And I will see it again on the big screen that's for sure!!!
I can't hardly wait to see the movie!!!
I've been hearing about this projetc for such long time :D :D
Quentin Tarantino also has his finger on the movie!! ;)
its great that the movie is in black & white and RED!!!!! Just like the comic !!!!
Looks DOPE!

I'm going to try to see it this weekend.

Just have to talk the girlfriend in to seeing it.

She wouldent let me pick any more movies after watching Dodge Ball and Anchor man.

Note: I liked both movies..
Well, sure Im gonna see this, if Bruce is in it. 8) :sillysmi:
Sin City is so ridiculously visually stunning... that it's ridiculous! It is EXACTLY what a comic book would look like if it were animated. Rodriguez did an incredible job capturing the aesthetic. One thing bothers me, though... the color scheme comes off as completely random. Blood from the same character is sometimes white (heavy red filter), sometimes black (blue filter) and sometimes red. And I thought the selective coloring thing was overused a bit. I'm going to see it again tonight to see if I can make sense of it.

FYI: this movie is N-O-T for the squeamish! It's probably the goriest film I've ever seen... but hey, it works. :)

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