Snow Has Cometh


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jan 27, 2008
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Bemidji, Minnesota, USA
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Another of the trees next to where I work:

Very nice! We're still waiting for the snow down here in Mankato.. Supposed to get it night before Thanksgiving :(
We were s'posed to get this over the weekend. Oh, but no, wait 'til I'm stuck at work. I shot this while on a break. I would have rather been out in the forest.
I see that you are located pretty far north in the US. I guess you get snowy winters...does this storm mean winter has started for you guys up there?
How far do have to travel for work?
It looks like some type of rainbow effect going on there. Anyone else notice the pink halo effect above the treeline on the right? Or is this just my monitor? I think its more of a color deformity than halo. What did you do to this image , if I may ask. Possibly posterization?
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Oooh, I can't wait for the snow! Lovely shot :)
I took the photo, cropped it a tad, uploaded it to facebook...I don't know if something happened during the upload that would cause that...strange...

How far do you travel to work?
I live a mile from work and I walk. I love walking in the winter. Though I wished this city would plow the sidewalks...walking on an icy street should be an Olympic event...

I'll be taking lots more photos of winter, hopefully.

Thank you for the kind comments, I've gotta go outside, have a smoke and deflate this ego...

The snow I don't mind...even cold temps. But today I woke up to -27C (-17F) and the wind chill was -37C (-35F). That's a little too cold.
Okay, now THAT'S cold...right now its nine above with barely any wind...I'm going to tell my office not to continue saying how cold it is now...
Erose has the hots for Drex?!?! lol jk

Snow? I don't even know what that stuff is lol, it snows once every 10 years here in New Orleans. Interesting shot, the top part of the tree is crooked which gives the idea that the shot is crooked, but then you look at the base and it's straight.
Oh how i love the Snow! Great pic.

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