Snow screwed up my business plan


TPF Noob!
Nov 13, 2008
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In between her...
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
I was rolling as "Foto by" now I'm just rolling as "Foto by" Luckily the sign printing shot is right next door to my job so they're going to print another one for me tonight and have it ready by tomorrow.

For now I just roll as a MOM :banghead:


well this is what it looks like now, just imagine with snow all over the car and a dirty background

Better than someone changing the first M to an H...which is what I would have done as a practical joke. Let you drive around with it until you happened to notice..:lol:
Hey, at least you are rhyming -

This is funny though!!:clap:
Mo that sucks. Glad your getting it fixed fast. And goonies, I almost shot dr p out of my nose!!
lol, sorry to hear about that Mo. Maybe you could actually use this to your advantage! Borrow one of those dresses from Schwetty and cater with homemade cookies for your shoots ;)
lol, sorry to hear about that Mo. Maybe you could actually use this to your advantage! Borrow one of those dresses from Schwetty and cater with homemade cookies for your shoots ;)

AWESOME idea!!!! :lmao: :thumbup: :thumbup: :mrgreen:

that's funny! :sillysmi:

/pointless post #1 so I can get enough to rebuild my signature.

But seriously... funny stuff. :biggrin:
lol, sorry to hear about that Mo. Maybe you could actually use this to your advantage! Borrow one of those dresses from Schwetty and cater with homemade cookies for your shoots ;)

EWWW NO! He's sick! I told him to to delete that picture and then empty the recycle bin but he's sick. :LOL:

What color are they going to print it? :-P

I don't get the joke but in white?

I hope you're not paying extra to get white vinyl graphic decals printed in white. :lol: Sorry, I'm in the inside joke. Really, they won't print white.

haha yeah true well it'll be white cutouts of course. I got the joke now.
Both pictures look like they are the same picture, and the "O" looks like it was removed in PS. Correct me if I'm wrong.

edit: never mind, I just read the line in between the pictures. Did you get stuck in traffic during the storm?

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