Some Backyard Panning Goodness


TPF Noob!
Aug 13, 2009
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Rural America
Can others edit my Photos
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Spent the last couple weekends at home riding quads around the fire pit and caught this 1/60 second shot.

My kid (the rider) says it looks "fake". I said "Thanks!" :D


He does a little photography too so this was a good opportunity to show him the basics of how shutter speed works.
I don't know why this hasn't gotten any feedback! I like it, well done!
I find it funny that the kid is wearing pajama pants, ugg boots, and a tshirt while riding a quad! Hehehe :)
Thanks Josh.

You forgot the chest protector. :)

We started out that morning with my youngest riding and the oldest one saw all the fun and wanted to take a quick ride so I let him. Glad I did. :thumbup:

Usually I'm a stickler about their safety gear as opposed to riding in jammies. I guess I should, I've been writing about it for over a year and a half. :)
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Chest protector isn't going to do much good when your kid comes off and looses all the skin of their arms and hands
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Chest protector isn't going to do much good when your kid comes off and looses all the skin of their arms and hands

LoL, in what? The mud? :lmao:

He's not riding a crotch rocket on the street. :twak:


you are a bad father sir, letting your son drive a 50cc 4 wheeler WITHOUT protective kevlar paded pants! (wich probably cost more than the 4 wheeler)
I'd be happy to outfit him in them if you'd be kind enough to donate them. :greenpbl:
Great job, keep it up.

I keep trying to perfect it, sometimes I nail it, sometimes I don't. I am trying to work my shutterspeed down and still get the results I want.

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