Some flowers


TPF Noob!
Aug 9, 2011
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Madison, Wi
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Taken with Canon 550D using EF 100/f2.8 Macro USM lens, tripod mount and natural lighting.

My thoughts on these...
First: Group of late season wild white flowers. Their pedals seem to be crinkled. I like the way they are "looking" up to the light source. The neutral coloring of the image enhances the yellow/orange of the flower centers, while emphasizing the texture in the pedals (i.e. the luminance information is stronger because their is not much chroma in the image).

Second: Mushrooms on dead twig (not really a flower is it?). Only green is the serpentine vine that guides your eyes up to the top where it ends in parallel with the left branch and top of the right. Both vine and branch exit in isolation at right. I like this one but the lighting seems a bit flat (OTOH the white shrooms saturate easily!). The shrooms going out of focus on the left branch towards the bottom seem normal so doesn't bother me, but I don't like the blurry white shroom at the upper-right 1/3rd point (shroom is sticking out so is out of focus). Does this bother you much? Should I try to aviod that sort of thing (maybe pluck them before shooting)?

Third: Milkweek flower. Just in bloom, the first of two shots shows two of four flowers. Like the shading and contrast with background. Left and bottom is busy but perhaps too dark to hurt the image?

Fourth: Same as third only looking 90 degrees to the left. Here the object was to get all four flower anthers to be in the same focal plane. Not sure I like the out of focus knobby thing at lower center - that along with its surrounding globes was supposed to help bracket the flowers. Like the texture of the pedals' underside and of the green stem at bottom.




Seems I left a flower out! So, Fifth: Pink wild flower located in a marsh, not easy to get. Do you notice the spider under the in-focus flower at upper left? His rear is sticking out a bit.... Wanted to crop tighter but focus and resolution wouldn't allow much more than this.


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