Some misc. new stuff, please take a look


TPF Noob!
Dec 2, 2007
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I've shot A LOT recently, but I'll post 6 of my "better" ones.







If you want to see them bigger, click the link and then click the actual picture

There are a lot more in my gallery:
shots like 3 have potential, try and get less in focus or like a purple oin for us to loo at :D!
1, Its alright.. Nothing to special.. would like to see more detail in it though. Possibly a color correction making the dog whiter.

2, Not feeling it.. I don't even know what it is other than an eye im guessing?

3, I like this one.. But needs to be a little bit brighter.

4, Its under exposed... and you get a little lost with it against that background, Maybe using a larger aperture could have blurred it out more.

5, I like this shot.

6, this one also seems under exposed to me.
1 - not particularly interesting
2 - I like this shot, but maybe a different crop?
3 - I like this picture too (who doesn't like money) but i would actually lower the brightness setting to maybe get more detail back in the foreground
4 - I don't like this shot, try playing around with your aperature setting so that the flower/plant will stick out more. Right now it just blends in
5 - I like this shot, maybe brighten it up just a tad?
6 - I would really like to know why there is a photographer at wendys! But there is a section in the middle of the shot that is blown out
1 - not particularly interesting
2 - I like this shot, but maybe a different crop?
3 - I like this picture too (who doesn't like money) but i would actually lower the brightness setting to maybe get more detail back in the foreground
4 - I don't like this shot, try playing around with your aperature setting so that the flower/plant will stick out more. Right now it just blends in
5 - I like this shot, maybe brighten it up just a tad?
6 - I would really like to know why there is a photographer at wendys! But there is a section in the middle of the shot that is blown out

Thanks for the crit, here's some answers for you:

1. I took this for my step mom, who wanted an outside portrait, but you're right, it is boring.
2. I don't know how else to crop...suggestions?
3. I am going to re-shoot this with tons more of controlled lighting
4. It looks brighter/darker on different people's screens, try looking at it from a higher POV
5. I like it how it is, but thanks
6. He was surveying the area for an addition they are putting on. What do you think is blown out, the roof?

Thanks again man
1. is boring to me
2. i dunno.. doesn't really do it for me either. would like to see more detail in the dark area
3. this one is kinda cool from a fine art perspective
4. not enough contrast, too centered, bad comp.
5. is flat, needs more contrast but also subject just doesn't interest me that much.

just my take on it :)
6 - I would really like to know why there is a photographer at wendys! But there is a section in the middle of the shot that is blown out

lol, that's what I thought at first glance! I thought he had a large format camera on an old tripod, and I was like, is he setting that thing up at Wendy's??? Then I saw it was a surveyor. :lol:
Everything is head on... move around, get some perspective and work some angles. Lay down, turn upside down, shoot around the corner... but most important keep shooting. The key to photography is shoot, shoot, shoot and then shoot some more! My opinion... in the mean time... rock on.

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