Some of my first pictures


TPF Noob!
Oct 30, 2007
Reaction score
Wellington, New Zealand
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
So I have had my camera for a little over a week now, and have put through a few films. Here are some of the better photos (in my opinion) that have come out. I have scanned these from the photos themselves. I would appreciate any comments or feedback anyone may have on these. I have already torn them to pieces myself.





cute place love the tree, can you try to get a little closer and look up sum... it would be ccuutteeee......

anywho nice from a beginners eye... cute cat but i dont care for the pic...sryy....
Thanks for the feedback, I might try and get back there tomorrow, and try getting closer to the tree, like you suggested.
did you use a soft focus filter? or is that just a bi-product of the phot scan?

if the soft focus filter was intentionsal, i LOVE the use of it in the first picture

really adds to it

maybe a bit less of that branch though, thats still good compisition though

i like how the water is half frozen

maybe try again is a much longer shutter speed and having the water flowing, see how that comes out
did you use a soft focus filter? or is that just a bi-product of the phot scan?

maybe a bit less of that branch though, thats still good compisition though

i like how the water is half frozen

maybe try again is a much longer shutter speed and having the water flowing, see how that comes out

Thanks for your comments lordson - I didn't use anything on the picture - who knows what happens. I know what you mean about the branch, I am going to try and go back, and I will try with a longer shutter speed, might also try to get a little closer to the waterfall :)
Well done Amara, you have good concepts.

Some comment, you have darker and narrow shots. I see a better potential of lighter and wide pics. :)
shots look a little blurr. ur eye on the shots to take were amazing i just think they need to me more focused and more saturation
shots look a little blurr. ur eye on the shots to take were amazing i just think they need to me more focused and more saturation

Thanks. I think a little bit of the blurr might be from when I scanned the pictures, because they are a lot clearer on the prints. But I will keep this in mind.
You have a good eye that just needs a little bit of training...

Nice job!

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