Some pictures from the Rockies for C&C


TPF Noob!
Sep 9, 2011
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Alberta, Canada
Can others edit my Photos
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The snow is melting and the sun is a shinin' here in Alberta; a cold, but nice, time to hike before the mosquitoes hatch up. Took some pictures hiking up Mt. Rundle and hoping you guys can give me some advice to make them better. I've really wanted to improve on composition since last summer so I'd love it if you guys could be particular meticulous in critiquing that aspect. Here are a few pictures I like but I think could be better. I haven't been on the forums since last summer so I've forgotten how to post pics. Links will have to do.

1. Going up Mt Rundle by Patrick Dio, on Flickr

Admiring Ha ling peak by Patrick Dio, on Flickr

On our way down by Patrick Dio, on Flickr
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You will find that a lot of folks here don't particularly like to click on links, so my advice to you would be to refresh your memory on how to post to the forum. The main concern on clicking links, at least for me, is viruses or the like - not that you would ever post one, but you never know about links. I don't mean to be critical, it is just the way it is.
Oh yes the hate for links, I've forgotten about that too haha. Kkay pics will be up momentarily.
Your photos are typical tourist photos, not bad or anything but typical. It's tough to get unique photos in a setting like that on a clear sunny afternoon. Perhaps a foggy day would have given you some more creative options.

Further to WesternGuy's comment - if you want to refresh your memory, this is the how to post pics instruction for TPF:
Your photos are typical tourist photos, not bad or anything but typical. It's tough to get unique photos in a setting like that on a clear sunny afternoon. Perhaps a foggy day would have given you some more creative options.

Further to WesternGuy's comment - if you want to refresh your memory, this is the how to post pics instruction for TPF:

AH yes you are very right. Seeing as this was my first time hiking up a mountain I shouldn't be surprised that I took touristy photos because, well, I was a tourist in the mountains. So it is about mindset then? Knowing what kind of photos you want to take even before setting out on the expedition?
You did fine, there's nothing wrong with touristy photos, those are what make postcards :)

For landscape/scenery photos, though, if you want to get some really good photos, the trick is to be there when the light & weather will give you something more creative to work with. That's a matter of advance planning, which can be tough to manage.
Thank you haha! It would be wonderful to take some shots up there during sunset but once the sun vanishes beyond the horizon and the realization that that sun was the light source that allowed you to hike up that mountain in the first place, which is now gone is...disheartening to say the least :)

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