Sony 350 Live Capture??


TPF Noob!
Feb 16, 2009
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Does anyone know of any software that will allow me to see and control my camera from my computer? I want to take the photo and have it instantly appear on my computer so I can rename the file to the part number I am shooting. I am using the camera for product shooting, and when I take 100 pictures it can get very confusing... All the products look the same..

thanks in advance!
I don't know what sony offers, but nikon has camera control, check sony's website.
From a quick look on the website the only software I can see that may provide it is "Sony® Image Data Suite" - whether this does provide what you need for sure I can't say but it's something you can look at.
thanks I checked that out, and that software doesn't offer the feature that I want. Do they make any 3rd party applications that will do this??

From a quick look on the website the only software I can see that may provide it is "Sony® Image Data Suite" - whether this does provide what you need for sure I can't say but it's something you can look at.
thanks I checked that out, and that software doesn't offer the feature that I want. Do they make any 3rd party applications that will do this??

Very unlikely, it would need a driver of some sort from the manufacturer and the ability to do so built into the camera. Would appear at least one of the two don't exist

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