Soul Singer


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Jul 25, 2014
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NW Florida
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a little tight for me too; would prefer more depth of field too so you could have more of the hand in focus. What bothers me most is the reflection of his hand and mic in his glasses. I'd rather see eyes. OTOH, I like the sweat.
I like it. Just from the looks of things I'm guessing stopping down the lens to increase dof probably wouldn't be to feasible given the lighting and really I don't mind the hand as is, don't think it had a huge effect on the overall shot.

I also like the reflections on the glasses and not really being able to see his eyes, fits with the overall mood better I think given his style of music

Sent from my 306SH using Tapatalk is spot on. I am shooting at ISO 6400-10,000, 4/5.6 and if lucky around 1/100. Depth of field is what you make of the shot and I caught this one on the fly which if you've ever shot a small town concert, is about all you get. I plan as many shots as I can with patient waiting... look in the B&W gallery to see some of the others shot last night. is spot on. I am shooting at ISO 6400-10,000, 4/5.6 and if lucky around 1/100. Depth of field is what you make of the shot and I caught this one on the fly which if you've ever shot a small town concert, is about all you get. I plan as many shots as I can with patient waiting... look in the B&W gallery to see some of the others shot last night.

Would be great if you could shoot everything at F8 or F11 but sadly in the real world it just doesn't usually work that way. As it is my D7100 struggles with some of the indoor zoo shots I take even when using 2.8. So it's always a trade off, do you drop your shutter and hope you don't get to much motion blur, or stop down the lens for a little better DOF.. sometimes all you can do is make your best guess and take a shot.
.... I caught this one on the fly which if you've ever shot a small town concert, is about all you get. I plan as many shots as I can with patient waiting...
I shoot on the fly at stage events, too. I know where you're coming from. I love the shot!
You do your best and take what you get. Studio type shots at live events are about as rare as hens' teeth.
been shooting shows for over 30 years, so I do know it's done on the fly. You have to anticipate or at least be ready for the moments when they come. Doesn't mean it's impossible to get great images. No doubt people's opinions are going to vary on what could be improved.

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