

TPF Noob!
May 5, 2008
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Think I would have liked this one better if there was more of the stairs in front of them, to show a destination, or a "neverending" effect. But nice shot as usual.
I really like it, the only improvement I can think of is what others have said about showing more of the steps.
I always hate having candids like this, and realizing later on how much better it would have been just a little different. I'll have to keep an eye out for a similar situation.

Lacey- what would you suggest for the crop?

And, just a thought here, if the photo weren't titled "Stairway", would you still think it would be better with more stairs? Just wondering how much the title affects people's perception of a photo :)
What about this? If you hate it, that's fine. I think it gives your subjects more focus though. And I didn't notice until I opened it in photoshop, but did you do some cloning on the top of the hill? It's not blended well. If you convert to B&W it really stands out.
So I cropped this, burned the two white shirts, adjusted the curves to a nice "S" shape and used an unsharp mask.

Yeah, there was a fence thing at the top of the hill-- I'm not terribly good at blending, and it is something I'm trying to improve on. I like that crop too. Thanks for your input!
Heh, no worries there-- I think the only reason I don't work on others' photos is because I'm rather pathetic in my ps skills. I think it is good practice though, for anyone. And, it is awesome seeing someone else's take on my own photos- I liked the way my original looked with how I'd done levels and how sharp it was, and your edit gave me a whole other perspective. Crazy how that works.

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