Starlings in the Snow


TPF Noob!
Apr 2, 2008
Reaction score
Kent, England
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
This afternoon through our patio windows with my 55-200.

I need all the C&C I can get, so please critique away without fear of offending me! :)

1. Retreating the cold

2. Collared Dove inspecting a twig

3. Unimpressed

4. I'm cold!

5. Braving the winter

Again, any C&C you want to give, please do so as I am still very much a beginner. Many thanks!

*bump* :p

I'd really appreciate any C&C, I know I have a lot to learn, but I can't learn if I'm not critiqued! Thank you :)

I'd like to suggest that you may be able to strengthen these with simplicity. I really like the last shot. You could cut some of the distraction from the bird by cropping the top of the photo out so all you have is a nice and simple snow background. The big dark splotch is a little distracting but there's really nothing you can do without cutting out the nice space in front of the bird. I guess you could clone it out.

Kinda the same thing with the first shot. I'd try giving the bird a purely concrete background with a crop and just go ahead and center it also.

I like the third one! Although, a different perspective that gives more room between the two birds would be better. The beak of the bird that is out of focus is a merger with your main subject.
This must have been a nightmare to meter!

I think the last one is the best of this series... I disagree with robitussin, I think that you shouldn't crop it, the falling snow is what makes the shot... Although it might look nice with a square crop... instead of cropping the top off, crop some of the middle snow out.

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